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Snails and the Damage They Do to a Garden
They’re times when gardeners truly believe snails are alive simply to destroy their gardens. Snails and other small critters can do a lot of damage to a garden, but if you know more about them, you can lessen their impact with organic snail repellents.
Responsibilities of Owning a New Puppy
Puppies can be so darn cute and the decision to take one home can be easily be blinded by the many responsibilities that follows in the purchase of a puppy for first time dog owners.  Puppies are a popular choice for people looking for a new pet or some companionship because they are so adorable and small, but there are some important things those future puppy owners should be aware of in order t
How to Safely Kill Slugs and Snails with Organic Products
With gardening season in full swing, gardeners are once again dealing with a new onslaught of dreaded slugs and snails. It’s a battle every gardener faces, so let’s look at some products and natural ways to rid your garden of these pests.