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Investing in ICO is Reliable and Profitable?
For ICO participation, you should pay attention to the ICO agreement between you and the organization. This agreement deals with the price of the token that will be distributed, the time of distribution, legal entities, regulations, money transfers and the institutional structure of the organization. Each ICO company recommends a custom personal digital wallet for their participation. For this reason, you need to create your own digital wallet.
As these operations are mostly unregulated, that’s why companies raised funds via an ICO without disclosing their financial statement as well as their income statement, which allows them to get benefit from greater financial discretion.
What you Say, Can ICOs Replace Venture Capital?
YES! Meteoric success is not only surprising when we compare the low constraints of the ICO process versus the traditional fundraising process.
As these operations are mostly unregulated, that’s why companies raised funds via an ICO without disclosing their financial statement as well as their income statement, which allows them to get benefit from greater financial discretion.....
What is an ICO used for and what does it finance?
ICO’s are intimately linked to blockchain technology. Most often, they are going to launch decentralized applications that work on a specific blockchain protocol, such as Ethereum or Bitcoin. ICO’s can also be used to directly finance Blockchain protocols, such as the Tezos protocol.
What is an ICO used for and what does it finance?
ICO’s are intimately linked to blockchain technology. Most often, they are going to launch decentralized applications that work on a specific blockchain protocol, such as Ethereum or Bitcoin. ICO’s can also be used to directly finance Blockchain protocols, such as the Tezos protocol.
Why do we invest into an ICO?
In an ICO, investors acquire crypto assets that can offer them different benefits. They hope that the project will be successful in which they are investing and that cryptocurrency will increase in value. For example, the Ethereum, blockchain-based project, managed to raise $18 million by selling its assets for $0.40 each in Bitcoin.