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Padgilwar Sprayer pump price
Padgilwar Group" is striving hard to find solutions for the problems of small farmers, & introducing Equipment which are affordable to them, and serving there purpose of affordable farm mechanization
Drip Irrigation
A micro-irrigation system where water drips slowly to the roots of plants, either from above the soil surface or buried below the surface is called drip irrigation. It has a potential to save water and nutrients by placing water directly into the root zone and reduce evaporation.
Agriculture Sustainability
Agriculture is a primary activity and of supreme importance for the sustenance of human race, practiced since ancient time by human civilisation. It is practiced enormously all over the world leaving a huge footprint, leading to climate change, water scarcity, land degradation and deforestation because of excessive utilization of non-renewable resources, water consumption and clearing up of forests for agriculture which are extremely important for the planet.
Impact of Corona Virus on Farmers
In the middle of the Corona crisis and the resultant 21-day lockdown, when everyone including media is talking about groceries, medicines, vegetables and restaurants, the one sector they are ignoring is Agriculture. Nobody is thinking about the impact on the problems faced by farmers and the crop yields. It has just become our psych to only focus on the urban issues and urban market.

Hand Sprayer for Agriculture
Light Weight, Easy to Handle & Sturdy Hands Pressure Sprayer, 16-Litre Tank Capacity

Padcorp Equipment
PadCorp in its constant efforts to help the farmers with better and economical options to increase agricultural yields have introduced various equipment like funnel trap and glue trap as a chemical free option.
The emerging scope of agriculture technology in India
It is evident that to meet the rising needs of consuming population and for the benefits of farmers the emerging agricultural technology will help in higher productivity. Padgilwar Corporation along with the help of government is reaching out to farmers even in the remotest area and changing the face of Indian agriculture sector.
Farming tools and equipments
" Padgilwar Group" is striving hard to find solutions for the problems of small farmers, & introducing Equipment which are affordable to them, and serving there purpose of affordable farm mechanization.
Top agricultural machinery manufacturing companies
" Padgilwar Group" is striving hard to find solutions for the problems of small farmers, & introducing Equipment which are affordable to them, and serving there purpose of affordable farm mechanization.