Monavie - About Monavie
MonaVie manufactures and distributes products made from blended fruit and vegetable juice concentrates, powders and purées through a multi-level marketing company. Monavie exceptional wellness and weight management products and business opportunities are changing lives around the world.

Kyani Opportunity
Nestled deep in the heart of the Alaskan tundra is found a berry whose incredible nutritive and anti-oxidizing power have earned it the name "the miracle berry". Harvested and processed at precisely the right time, the blueberry contains more anti-oxidizing, disease-fighting, and nutritional power than any other fruit or vegetable available. Kyäni Inc. has created a product founded solely on the nutritional values of these Alaskan Miracle Berries that is shaping and changing the lives of people all over the world
MonaVie - Products with a Purpose
MonaVie blends antioxidant nutritional power with an unparalleled opportunity that can allow you to capitalize on the surging health and wellness industry. By becoming a MonaVie independent distributor, you can share MonaVie products with others while taking advantage of our rewarding compensation plan—with 10 Ways to Earn Income.

Join the hundreds of thousands of successful MonaVie distributors and begin achieving renewed health and financial well-being today.
MonaVie on Twitter
MonaVie is one of the fastest growing companies in the world, as evidenced by its ranking in the 2009 Inc. 500 list of fastest growing companies. With plans for continued expansion in the United States and for new markets throughout the world, the time to join MonaVie is now!

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