Record updated Get Mail Merge Regions Hierarchy & Document Hyphenation Options Configuration using Java/.NET | Dekut

Get Mail Merge Regions Hierarchy & Document Hyphenation Options Configuration using Java/.NET
Aspose.Words for Java & .NET 16.1.0 contains over 89 useful new features, enhancements and bug fixes such as Support of Ancient Legacy Binary DOC files, support of Configuration of Document Hyphenation Options, support of Controlling Global Mail Merge Events, support of Getting Mail Merge Regions Hierarchy, support of Working without Static Font Cache and Use Per-document Font Settings, introduced Public Fields API v2.0 – Building Arbitrary Field Using FieldBuilder & many more. We have now added a new public property to HtmlSaveOptions class to specify whether page margins is exported to HTML, MHTML or EPUB. Now Aspose.Words could save metafiles directly without using GDI+. For now only saving to EmfPlusOnly format is supported. We have now added a new public property to HtmlFixedSaveOptions class to get/set indication of whether form fields are exported as interactive items (as ‘input’ tag) rather than converted to text or graphics. We have added a capability to preserve mustache tags that haven’t been populated. We have added two methods to DocumentBuilder class to insert signature lines. We have now added Shape.SignatureLine property to get SignatureLine object if the shape is a signature line. Note! Now it is not possible to sign a signature line by digital signature in Aspose.Words. We have added a capability to remove the whole form field right from the FormField object.
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