Filter Appointments from Exchange Server using EWS Client & Enhanced EML to HTML using .NET
Aspose team is pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Email for .NET 17.10.0. This release includes enhancement for filtering appointments from Exchange server using Exchange Web Service (EWS) client of the API. It also includes improvements in terms of bug fixes which further add to the overall functionality of the API. The EWS client of the API already provides the capability of filtering messages from Exchange server. This month’s release further enhances the functionality of searching items on Exchange server. Users can now filter appointments from Exchange server mailbox based on Date and Time or Recurrence. The ExchangeQueryBuilder class is the user interface in this case. The code samples on blog announcement page show filtering appointments from Exchange server using IEWSClient of the API. In addition to enhancement mentioned above, this month’s release also includes several bug fixes that add to the overall stability of the API in terms of expected output. Details about the fixed issues can be found in the release notes section of the API. This release also includes important bug fixes, such as, Duplicated recipients when saving EML as MHTML, EWS client can't load emails in folders containing large number of messages, Attached Word document in Outlook message is corrupted on Save, Merging PST with sample PST loses Properties of Calendar, Converting EML to HTML resulting in incorrect HTML, Calendar added to PST doesn't open in MS Outlook & many more.
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