Record updated Prediksi Skor Yunani vs Pantai Gading | Bandar Sbobet Terpercaya | Dekut

Prediksi Skor Yunani vs Pantai Gading | Bandar Sbobet Terpercaya
Prediksi Skor Yunani vs Pantai Gading – Ivory Coast must be uprooted in the Estadio Nacional de Brasilia - Brasilia, Distrito Federal on June 19, 2014 by a score of 2-1 from Colombia. These results are certainly very unfortunate article of Ivory Coast still not sure 1st place in the last 16 of the 2014 World Cup.

Goal James David Rodriguez Rubio and Juan Fernando Quintero Paniagua at minute 64 and 70 is only capable in reply 1 goal by Ivory Coast through Gervinho foot on 73 minutes. Score 2-1 last until the referee was Howard Webb blew the final whistle. The result of the minor makes Sabri Lamouchi forces still not sure 1st place in the last 16 of the 2014 World Cup.
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