Record updated Prediksi Skor Inggris vs Kosta Rika | Prediksi Bola Online | Dekut

Prediksi Skor Inggris vs Kosta Rika | Prediksi Bola Online
Prediksi Skor Inggris vs Kosta Rika – England back to bite the bullet when facing tough Uruguay team in the second match group stage D 2014 World Cup. Ousting England in the group phase of the 2014 World Cup is certainly very surprised many given the myriad of forces Roy Hodgson has a star player in each line.

On June 24, 2014 at 23:00 pm later, England will face a team that is quality still far below it. Costa Rica will be the last British opponent in the last match group stage. Although it does not have as good quality as the United Kingdom, Costa Rica remains to be wary considering they managed to make a surprise when they beat Uruguay 3-1 in the opening match.

Costa Rica would still be trying hard to keep up with their best performance in this match. Costa Rica coach Jorge Luis Pinto Afanador expect combat forces capable of performing in the best shape as when they destroy the Uruguay national team in the opening match.
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