Record updated BREAKFAST DEALS: Pricey Primus - Business Spectator | Dekut

BREAKFAST DEALS: Pricey Primus - Business Spectator
financial planner Brisbane. Senior financial planners and paraplanners are in high demand by domestic banks, according to the latest report by recruitment firm Hays.? After a relatively subdued first quarter, the big banks have finalised their recruitment strategies and are ramping up for the second quarter, said the report.?The average financial planning practice has a lot of room for improvemen...Consolidation in the telco sector ahead of the national broadband network continues, with M2 Telecom giving itself a sporting chance in the new market by picking up Primus Australia. Flinders is currently the subject of a $554 million takeover by MMK, which is being held up by Elena Egorova , a mysterious minor MMK shareholder that?s objecting to the deal. The Australian Financial Review Genworth Financial , will make a decision in the next two weeks about whether to brief analysts of the joint lead managers ? NBNK Investments had already leant again on a bid for over 600 branches from Lloy


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