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The Hunger Games Blu-ray Review, The Hunger Games
Out on Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy is one of 2012's most popular movies (currently #3, which is surprisingly good considering it was released in March, not during the summer season). Based on the book with the same name, The Hunger Games is part one of a trilogy, which will have two movies for the finale just like the Twilight Saga (and until the most recent decision to move the Hobbit from two mov
Can Ronda Rousey alone continue to grow women\'s MMA?
Fifty-four seconds. That's how long it took Strikeforce 135-pound champ Ronda Rousey to submit Sarah Kaufman with the one move that Kaufman had to know was coming, the same one she had months to prepare for but still couldn't stop.

Fifty-four seconds. You can't microwave a Hot Pocket in that time. If you only took 54 seconds to brush your teeth, your mother would tell you to get back in there
TreT, The Parkour Dog From Ukraine, Amazes With His Free-Running Talent (VIDEO)
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's…Parkour Dog! In this incredible YouTube video, watch as TreT, a 5-year-old Staffordshire bull terrier from the Ukraine, tears up the neighborhood with his amazing moves.
Thought Leaders in Cloud Computing: Mike Toplisek, EVP, Product and Marketing, EarthLink (Part 3)
SM: This is an interesting discussion. When people read this interview, can they gauge how to determine whether or not they would be a fit for you?

MT: Yes. It’s very broad. We play in multiple verticals. So, what we’re doing is alignment of value-add applications and bundling that with other necessary tools like collaboration services and traditional voice and Internet access services, profes
Restaurant offers a 5% discount to eat without your phone
Cell phones often claim a spot on the table in restaurants, sitting right next to utensils, plates and glasses. One restaurant is trying to change that.

Eva Restaurant in Los Angeles offers diners a 5% discount for leaving their phones with the receptionist for the entirety of the meal. The new policy went into effect a bit more than a month ago, according to chef Mark Gold, who runs the resta
A Mathematician Goes to the Beach: Swimsuit Formulas
Like everyone else I know, when I go to the beach I think mathematics. Archimedes, my favorite mathematician, did too—his perhaps best-known work is the “Sand Reckoner,” wherein he counts the grains of sand it would take to fill...
I Have 50 Dollars, ‘A Real-Time Social Feed for People Who Have $50,’ Hilariously Satirizes App.net
Much has been written about Valley celeb Dalton Caldwell and his rather notorious new social network, App.net. The Twitter-like site charges $50 to join, in an effort to weed out spammers and people who aren’t really dedicated to the integrity of the community.

BuzzFeed wondered if the walled garden of App.net signaled the beginning of “white flight” from more inclusive sites. Venturebeat call
Google AdSense Optimization Tips
AdSense Optimization Tips: With Google AdSense, one should never feel complacent because there’s always a chance to improve your AdSense earnings provided you are willing to experiment. The software theory – If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it – doesn’t really apply here.
How to Edit PDF Files - Free Tools for Manipulating PDF Documents
The PDF file format was originally created by Adobe in the early ’90s and there are now over 700+ million PDF documents on the Internet according to Google (search for filetype:pdf).

There are several reasons why the PDF file format is so popular for exchanging all sorts of documents including presentations, CAD Drawings, invoices and even legal forms.
Three years later, deleting your photos on Facebook now actually works
After years of photo hoarding, Facebook now deletes user photos within 30 days.

It has been more than three years since Ars first started covering Facebook's inability to remove "deleted" photos from its servers, but this particular saga appears to be coming to an end. The company told Ars that its new photo storage systems are in place and are now deleting photos within a reasonable period of