Cybercrime costs U.S. consumers $20.7 billion
U.S. consumers lost $20.7 billion to cybercrime over the past 12 months, with 71 million Americans falling victim to online perps, according to new research.

Norton (Credit: Norton)

Meanwhile, worldwide losses resulting from cybercrime including malware attacks and phishing hit $110 billion between July 2011 and the end of July 2012, a report by security company Symantec (PDF) has found.

American Tailgater - The Ultimate Tailgating Outfitter Tailgate Gear Tailgating S
Ultimate Tailgating Outfitter. From NFL helmet snack trays, college team coolers, and tailgate recipes to tents, football gifts, and incentive awards - everything for a football tailgate party!
U.S. still has no case against Assange
Sources say the United States has issued no criminal charges against the WikiLeaks founder and has launched no attempt to extradite him.
One Per Cent: US hybrid military airship makes first flight
The latest in US army aviation got off the ground for the first time late on 7 August, when the Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle (LEMV) flew for 90 minutes over the Lakehurst Naval Air Station, New Jersey. Lead contractor Northrop Grumman boasts that it has "successfully developed the world's largest, most-persistent lighter-than-air optionally piloted aircraft".
A beginner\'s guide to Shark Week – a bloody American tradition
Courtesy of the Discovery Channel, the longest-running cable event returns to US television on Sunday – so here's a primer

Thrashing limbs, bloodied ocean and the shell-crushing teeth of the most-feared creature in the sea: this my friends, is Shark Week.

Broadcast annually for a quarter-century, the shockingly educational and often voyeuristic week of shark-oriented programming has dominat
Snowboard Store| CyclopsGear
Cyclopsgear.com offers complete range of HD camera video recording sunglasses, video goggles, snowboarding or ski goggles and motorcycle eyewear under one roof. Web: https://www.cyclopsgear.com
Making finding the perfect office space easier
Trying to find new office space while also keeping on top of the day-to-day running of your firm may be tough. You might well feel pushed for time and wish there were more hours in the day to help you complete all your tasks.

Searching for Office Space to Rent?
There could be any number of reasons why you are looking for offices to rent, either short or long-term. Of course you could be starting up a new business and in need of a base. But, equally, you may need a temporary location while a more permanent home is being vacated, or while your existing offices are being upgraded.

Who Can Benefit from a Serviced Office?
Originally, serviced offices were designed to benefit small businesses and new start-ups. The main appeal was the flexibility and short-term leases, as well as the fact that there were no initial start-up costs involved. However, times are changing, and now more and more larger companies are turning to the serviced office as a means of saving money and taking advantage of these benefits.

Office Displays Boards & Cases
Good design of office desktop/ tabletop organizer can coordinate rush work situation with a little relaxation. Here you can find different office displays organizers, such as memo card holder, pen holder and so on.

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