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India best catching side of this World Cup, Pakistan worst
A dropped catch is often the difference between lifting the World Cup and going home empty-handed, a fact which has not been lost on Virat Kohli’s India. The Men in Blue have dropped just one catch in the tournament so far, and hung on to 14 — the best among all teams.
US Says It Has No plans To Cap H-1B Work Visa Programme
The Trump administration has no plans to cap H-1B work visas for nations that force foreign companies to store data locally, the State Department said on Thursday."
Acne Treatment in Vizag
The problem of acne on the face, neck and other body parts is due to the clogging of the pores of the skin. Visit Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre to get the acne treatment in Vizag by the Dr.C.Vijay Kumar.
103 children die due to acute encephalitis in Bihar’s Muzaffarpur
According to official data, 85 children have died in Sri Krishna Medical College and Hospital (SKMCH), while 18 have lost their lives in Kejriwal hospital in the city.
Laser Hair Removal in Vizag
Living with continuous hair growth is very difficult for ladies and girls. For those girls, laser hair removal in Vizag is perfect. To get the laser hair removal treatment without any kind of the side-effects, contact the experts at Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre.
Laser Hair Removal in Andhra Pradesh
These days, the people who are frustrated with the waxing and shaving, usually choose the treatment of laser hair removal in Andhra Pradesh for better results. Make an appointment with Dr.C.Vijay Kumar at Dr. VJs Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplantation Centre for the best solutions.
China Ready To Hit Back To United States With Rare Earths: Ruling Party Newspaper
China's Communist Party newspaper warned the United States on Wednesday that the country was ready to use rare earths to strike back in their bitter trade war, saying in an extremely strongly worded commentary "don't say we didn't warn you"." itemprop="description

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