Paul Chehade | Marijuana | Paul Chehade
Marijuana � As� the 74 year old prohibition against marijuana enter its last leg, a� legal marijuana industry suddenly doesn’t appear to be a pip...
Unemployment rates fell in 26 US states in March - SFGate
WASHINGTON (AP) — Unemployment rates fell in more than half the U.S. states in March even though job growth slowed. Only 23 states reported a net gain in hiring in March, the fewest since August 2011. The national unemployment rate fell to 7.6 percent, but only because more Americans ended their job searches. Nevada reported the highest unemployment rate last month, at 9.7 percent.
How All 50 States Got Their Names
Before Europeans landed on American shores, the upper stretches of the Alabama River in present-day Alabama used to be the home lands of a Native American tribe called – drum roll, please – the Alabama (Albaamaha in their own tribal language). The river and the state both take their names from the tribe, that’s clear enough, but the meaning of the name was another matter. Despite a wealth of reco

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