When I Wanted To Do Some Decorating
When I moved into my new rental home just four months ago, I was excited to find ways to decorate it and as I looked around, it occurred to me that I should look for some round area rugs to add a little bit of color to the place.
When I Wanted To Do Some Decorating
I moved into a new rental home about seven months ago, and I was looking into different ways I could decorate it when I had the idea to look at some round area rugs to spruce it up a little bit.
PHOTOS: Stars come out to White House Correspondents Dinner
This year's primaries, the 2008 primaries, the General Services Administration scandal, even the Secret Service and Donald Trump were targets for President Obama's scattershot humor at Saturday night's celebrity studded White House Correspondents Dinner.
President Barack Obama poked fun at himself, Republican opponents, the Secret Service and more during the 98th annual White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner held on Sat., April 28, at the Washington Hilton.

He noted that he and presumed Republican nominee Mitt Romney both have degrees from Harvard, but Mr. Romney has two. The President joked, “What a snob.”
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Since Android OS comes to smartphones and tablet computers, many hardware manufacturers awake to try their hand at making an Android-based device. There are plenty of cheap tablets floating around out there, but only some are worth your time. To make your way easy to pick wallet-friendly Android tablet, here is the top six budget Android tablets compared.
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