Google Broadens Gigabit Fiber Effort to Nine More U.S. Cities
Silicon Valley giant Google announced Wednesday that it plans to work with nine major U.S. metro areas to explore bringing the company's super-fast Internet to residents. The announcement should banish any doubt about Google's plan to become a full-fledged Internet service provider.
Apple and Google reject Flappy Bird clones; no more apps with 'Flappy' in the title - Tech2
Flappy Bird may be gone, but the craze for the game continues.

Last week, the game’s maker, Don Nguyen, took everyone by surprise or rather shock as he yanked the game off app stores citing reasons like “overwhelming response from users.” Post Flappy Bird’s demise however, a ton of replica apps have been rushing to fill the void. But now, news has it that Google and Apple have started r
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New Year's Eve 2013: Google bids goodbye with an animated doodle - The Times of India
Keeping up with its tradition of coming out with doodles to mark important days, Google, on Tuesday, displayed an animated New Year's Eve 2013 doodle on its homepage to bid adieu to the year. It is the last Google doodle for the year 2013.

10 Places Where Google Glass is Banned

Basically, Google Glass is like carrying a computer on your mind and they fit like a normal pair of specs. Yes, I’m being completely serious. It’s kind of like having your own HuD from a video game right in front of the mouth.Google Glass works by tone of voice instructions and you can do some fairly fairly sweet items with it
Meet up the first company cashing in on its Google Glass app

The exciting promise of Google Glass was that it would be a wearable technology enabling users to mix the physical and digital sides, to collection a coating of data on top of what the user was viewing around them. So far, however, nearly all of the software applications on the setup have merely transplan
Another Google bombshell: Android exec Hugo Barra resigns - latimes.com
In another bombshell, top Android executive Hugo Barra is leaving Google to join Chinese phone maker Xiaomi.

That's according to a report in technology blog All Things D.

His departure comes on the heels of the revelation that Google co-founder Sergey Brin is separating from wife and 23andMe co-founder Anne Wojcicki and is dating a Google employee.
Google building its own self-driving cars for 'robo taxis'
Google's self-driving cars have yet to become anywhere close to mainstream — they're only approved in three states including California, Nevada and Florida — it's not difficult to ponder all the doors (no pun intended) driverless cars could bring for humanity, especially for disabled folk, who are blind or unfit for driving.
Google Yourself And Enjoy It
Both Chris and Rand Fishkin provide an excellent breakdown of some of the questionable tactics used by Ripoff Report–each concluding that Rip Off Report is doing its best to make money off of negative reviews.
You Are What Google Says You Are
The reputation-repair industry is already looking toward the next step in image control: forging your own online legacy before someone else does. "We're now encouraging a proactive approach, building a wall of positive content so if negative stuff comes along, it has a harder time rising to the top," says International Reputation Management's Nino Kader. This means publicizing your own positive n

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