Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs: 10 Reasons why it could revolutionize next gen
When Ubisoft showed Watch Dogs at E3 this year, people were stunned. We saw something that was not only a showcase for what video games are capable of, but also showed a glimpse of what next gen has in store for us. It’s not clear yet what platforms the game will support, although Ubisoft has mentioned that the game will be released on PS3 and Xbox 360.
The Best Of E3: Eight Developments In The Gaming World Worth Waiting For
Welcome to yet another installment of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), the annual gaming convention that began in 1995 with real gaming audiences in mind, and now spends more effort pandering to non-gamer skeptics, casual gamers, and families with children, none of whom are tuning in to watch a webcast about hardware specs. We, the dedicated audience that actually is watching, are a people
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