Record updated Writing Multiple Events to ICS & Auto Discover Exchange Server Settings inside .NET Apps | Dekut

Writing Multiple Events to ICS & Auto Discover Exchange Server Settings inside .NET Apps
Aspose team is pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Email for .NET 18.5. This release introduces a new feature of auto-discovery of Exchange server settings using account’s user name and password. The AutoDiscoverService introduced by the API gets this information from the exchange server using the username and password specified by application user. In addition to other settings returned by the API, users can get the server’s EWS Url as well using this feature. PST restore feature of the Aspose.Email API lets users restore the contents of a PST file to Exchange server. The feature being useful in a variety of ways also has the possibility of operation take long time due to large size of PST file. This new release of API lets users abort PST restoration process to Exchange server based on defined time. This allows users to abort the PST restore operation in case it is taking too long to complete the operation. Aspose.Email already lets users read multiple events from ICS file. This new release of API lets you write multiple calendar events to a single ICS file as shown in the code sample on blog announcement page.
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