Export Document to MS OneNote Format & Setting Output Image Resolution in Java Apps
Aspose development team is very excited to announce the new release of Aspose.Note for Java 2.1.0. This month’s release introduces a major feature of saving documents in OneNote format that was not supported earlier at the API launching time. Exporting/saving a document to Microsoft OneNote format was not supported at the time of Aspose.Note for Java API launch. We are glad to share that this latest release of Aspose.Note for Java now provides the capability to export/save documents in OneNote format. Here are the methods that can be used to save the document in Microsoft OneNote format, save(string), save(string, OneSaveOptions) and save(string, SaveFormat). This month’s release also enhances the feature of exporting document to image format. You can now set the output image resolution using the setResolution method of ImageSaveOptions. This gives control user to export OneNote documents as per required resolution. In addition to new feature and enhancements above, the NoteTagCore.setCompletedTime now accepts parameter of Java.util.date.
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