Convert CAD (DWG & DXF) Drawings to Raster Image & Resize Image Proportionally
We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Imaging for .NET 2.6.0. The long awaited feature that will surely ease the developer’s life whose wish to resize the images while preserving the Aspect Ratio. With the latest enhancements to the Aspose.Imaging for .NET API, users can convert the CAD drawings such as DWG & DXF to raster image formats. User may set the page size for the resultant image, control the background and drawing color schema, shrink or expand the drawing to fit the resultant canvas and center the drawing as per application requirements. The TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) file format supports various types of compression whereas the compression type is stored as a tag (an integer value) in the file. One of such compression methods is Adobe Deflate (previously known as Deflate). Since this release, the API supports both Deflate & Adobe Deflate compression methods for loading, converting & creating TIFF images. Aspose.Imaging for .NET API can be used to convert colored images to Black n White or Gray-scale format for printing or archiving purposes. Some of the core Color Adjustments features such as brightness, contrast & gamma are also available in this new release.
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