Record updated Summer Japanese Crossword Free for Android! | Dekut

Summer Japanese Crossword Free for Android!
In this crossword - Totally Missing the any Ads.Now you have your - Premium crossword.Summer is the most bright, funny, warm, carefree, colorful and sunny time of the year! Everyone waits for holidays and vacations in order to forget about work, get new impressions, meet new people.This season we want to please you again with a new Japanese Crossword!People spend vacations in different ways: try new kinds of sport, go to excursions, lay on beach taking sunbathes, swim in the sea or pool, make noisy parties, dance all night long in clubs, spend time on fresh air and make picnics.Of course between these activities people find some time for quite rest too. It can be books reading, watching movies or playing games.Slow down and take a rest with Summer Japanese Crossword!As usual we hid themed summer pictures in 30*30 cells boards.Features:- Free;- 3D;- Simple menu context;- Simple design;- Pinch Zoom on Mobile Devices;- Perspective view;- 30 levels.Our company wishes you the best summer ever!
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