Dekut - HispanicBusiness Named Bankers Healthcare Group As A Top Healthcare Finance Business Bankers Healthcare Group has recently announced that they are going to partner with the American Heart Association, as well as the Broward PULSE in order to help fight against heart disease. Broward Pulse is based out of Broward County, Florida, while the American Heart Association is one of the largest philanthropic heart-health organizations in the United States, maybe in the world.Bankers Healthcare Group has recently announced that they are going to partner with the American Heart Association, as well as the Broward PULSE in order to help fight against heart disease. Broward Pulse is based Read More out of Broward County, Florida, while the American Heart Association is one of the largest philanthropic heart-health organizations in the United States, maybe in the world. Thu, 02 May 2013 06:27:14 UTC en