Dekut - Perform Mail Merge for Creating or Sending Emails & Rendering Calendar Events using Java We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Email for Java 5.6.0. This month’s release includes a new feature of performing Mail Merge similar to the .NET equivalent version of the API. In addition, it contains a number of enhancements related to various API functional areas. It already provided support for performing Mail Merge using the TemplateEngine class. This feature helps create and send a batch of similar email messages. The core of the emails is the same but the content can be personalized. This month’s release provides the same functionality of performing Mail Merge for crea Read Moreting and sending emails of the same nature. This month release provides the capability to render calendar events while converting messages to MHTML. This can be achieved using the MhtFormatOptions.RenderCalendarEvent enumerator. This month’s release also includes an enhancement of setting or changing a PST password. This is achieved by setting the password using the changePassword method of PST store. The same method can be used to remove the password of the PST as well. Information about the contents of an attachment can now be retrieved using the attachment header. This information is contained and can be retrieved from the “Content-Description” header of an attachment. Calendar events contain information about the recipient’s status for attending the meeting. This information can now be retrieved using the Aspose.Email API from the response message. The MapiRecipient class’s getRecipientTrackStatus method returns the status of the recipient. In addition the new features and enhancements, the API contain a number of other improvements as a result of bug fixes. Mon, 07 Sep 2015 04:02:50 UTC en