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Aspose.Newsletter May 2018: Enterprise Applications Development using Aspose Native APIs & Other News
Aspose Newsletter for May 2018 has now been published that highlights all the newly supported features offered in the recent releases. It includes information about Enterprise Applications development using Aspose Native APIs, launching Soon Java API to work with 3D formats, work with password-Protected ODT and OTT files in .NET, Java and Android applications, embed all fonts when converting presentation to HTML, support for subscript, SmallCap PSD and exporting CMYK PSD to CMYK TIFF, Find & refresh children Pivot Tables and Group Pivot Fields in the Pivot Table, add text and Image in AutoCAD
Clone PDF TextFragments with Identical Formatting & Determining Line Break Process using .NET
Aspose team is very excited to announce the new version of Aspose.PDF for .NET 18.4. In particular scenarios of PDF generations, sometimes you may come up with a requirement to identify the points/positions where an Enter/Line Break was added to create new line or contents of a line were moved to subsequent line after content reaching to the edge of the page. We have implemented logging (tracking) background processing (line breaking) of multi-line text fragments in text adding scenarios. You can use GetNotifications(), a new method of Page Class in order to achieve the functionality. An exam
PDF to HTML, PPTX Conversion & Enhanced TIFF to PDF Export inside Java Apps
Aspose team is pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Pdf for Java 18.3. Aspose development team always intends to provide an improved and enhanced Java Library to Aspose APIs Users. In this release of the API, Aspose team has included fixes to the reported errors in previous version(s) and made sure to improve the existing features and functionalities. There are some important enhancements and bug fixes which were reported by Aspose's customers for older version(s) of Aspose.PDF for Java, such as Converting PDF, generated from Aspose.Cells, to PDFA2a fails the compliance (Linux), TIFF to
Work with Password-Protected ODT, OTT Formats & Preserve PaperTray Information in PCL using Java
Aspose development team is happy to announce the monthly release of Aspose.Words for Java 18.4. There are 75 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. On .NET baseline, some public API methods contain out/ref params in signatures. Service classes Ref, RefInt, RefBoolean, etc. are added to emulate out/ref in Java. The OdtSaveOptions class can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the ODT or OTT format. Users can initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document in the ODT format encrypted with a password. Users can also use O
HTML Files Rendering to Image Format & Enhanced Parsing of Cascading Style Sheet using .NET
Aspose team is happy to announce the new release of Aspose.Html for .NET 18.4.0. It has enhanced feature of rendering the HTML files to image files. Furthermore, it also has rectified the anomalies reported in earlier version(s) of Aspose.HTML for .NET. In latest version of Aspose.HTML for .NET, parsing of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) has been improved and has focused especially that API parses CSS without missing any property or tag. Thus improving the rendering of an HTML file to a PDF, XPS and other supported file formats. Few properties and an enumeration pertaining to specification of CSS
Embed Fonts in PPTX & Improved Rendering support for Charts, Text & Table in JasperReports
The long awaited version of Aspose.Slides for JasperReports 18.3.0 has been released. This release has been built on the basis of latest Aspose.Slides for Java 18.3 API whereby Aspose team has included support for setting fonts for exported HTML. Moreover, the rendering support for charts, text and table has also been improved in API. It has also included support for embed fonts in PPTX as well for Aspose.Slides for JasperReport. Some issues related to export of report to presentation have been fixed that earlier resulted in exceptions. Aspose.Slides for JasperReports is an external exporter
Project Recalculations Enhancements & Improved Loading Primavera Data inside .NET Apps
Aspose team is pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 18.4.0. This release brings several improvements to the API functionality in terms of enhancements. This release adds Support for Conholdate license in the API and Extended Aspose.Tasks collections to support BCL collection interfaces.It also fixes issues reported with the earlier version of the API, such as Ignoring milliseconds part of time while setting task times, Issues with tasks start date and durations, Task duration issues with loading Primavera data and Wrong output with updated PercentComplete of a task. A
Set Margins of a Shape & Parsing Pivot Cached Records while Loading Excel File in Android Apps
Aspose development team is pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 18.3.0. This release includes many new features, enhancements and other bug fixes that further improve the overall stability and usability of the API. Sometimes, one pivot table uses other pivot table as a data source, so it is called a child pivot table or nested pivot table. Developers can find the children pivot tables of a parent pivot table using the PivotTable.getChildren() method. The following sample code finds the children pivot tables of the pivot table using the PivotTable.getChildre
Control Compression Ratio of Images during OneNote Documents to PDF inside Java Apps
Aspose development team is very excited to announce the new release of Aspose.Note for Java 18.3.0. This month’s release introduces the capability to compress output image quality while rendering document to different formats. It also fixes several issues that further improve overall API functionality. Conversion of OneNote documents to various formats is one of the prominent features of Aspose.Note for Java API. This release of API introduces capability to control the compression ratio of images during conversion to PDF. It lets you select the image compression type and quality using the Sa