Dekut - New Animation Effects for Shape, Slide Content Reset & Enhanced PPT to PDF Conversion using .NET Aspose team is happy to share the announcement of Aspose.Slides for .NET 16.10.0. This release has resolved many issues incurring in product along with inclusion of some new features in API as well. It has included some new animation effects for shape in this version. Now, users can also use EffectType.Disapper in animation setting to add disappear shape effect. It has also included support for resetting the slide by adding new property in Slide class by including Reset () method which will reset the position, size and formatting of every shape on slide. It has also included ShowMasterShapes Read Moreproperty in IBaseSlide class. It specifies if shapes on the master slide should be shown on slides (ISlide, ILayoutSlide or INotesLides) or not. For master slide itself this property always returns ‘false’ and doesn’t allow setting ‘true’. It has addressed several issues related to charts processing which include improper chart backgrounds, chart border area rendering and improper chart labels. It has also resolved slide cloning issues which include missing content inside cloned presentation as well. It has rectified several issues related to presentation rendering and it’s exporting to PDF and HTML. The issues related to improper background color, text rendering and chart element rendering have been rectified as well. Aspose team has also addressed several presentation access and saving issues as well in this release that earlier resulted in different exception when working upon them. Thu, 08 Dec 2016 06:13:49 UTC en